I’m down to the last couple of days at my job, and I’m starting to get sappy. I’m cleaning off my desk, and below the blankets of dust (I’m not the tidiest of employees) are collections of lucky rocks, favorite paperclips, pens, photos, post-it notes and knick knacks that I am having a difficult time parting with.
Three years of stuff. But I know it’s time to move on, despite the fact that I will miss everyone at
MegaPrint (if you are not already following the
MegaPrint blog, you totally should…I designed it and its chock full of good stuff!) I have made some of the greatest friends here, who have been the biggest supports and shining stars in my life. This place has afforded me so much opportunity and I appreciate it being there when I needed it three years ago. I am grateful for all of it, and will
truly miss it (a rarity these days in the job world). From the cheese/fatty meat days and breakroom festivities to the fish birthday parties (RIP Elroy!) to the fun design work to the recycling adventures to the everyday laughs, I will miss it all.
So, thank you to Jay and everyone who have made MegaPrint a place that I enjoyed going to everyday.So…in 2 weeks from today, I’ll be heading south in Janis (my van) to Asheville, NC. But for now, I am just going to soak up the last 14 days in New England with fabulous friends and family and enjoy the holidays.
Here is the MegaPrint holiday card I designed this year. And…a picture of the tree I made out of scrap cardboard--trying to go green...
literally. :)
And I'm off to Woodsville for 3 days of Christmas excitement with the Lucas Clan. Merry Christmas everyone and I wish you all the happiest and healthiest of new years!Peace and love,