I am heading into week 2 of small business owning, and have been busy managing all of the unexpected details. But now that I am (mostly) unpacked from my travels, the shoppe is set up and I am finding my rhythm, I am trying to simplify, simplify, simplify! There is a yard sale in my near future, that's for sure! I know I have also been behind the eight ball on my blogging, which has been getting to me...blogging is like journaling for me and I miss it! I will be back in a couple of days with more fun stories to share and pictures to show. But in the meantime...anyone need any display stuff to set up a creative art display? Here's what I am trying to unload (tell your friends!):

Spinning display...uses standard bracket hardware

seafoam colored handcrafted shelf unit

print rack holder

2 pendant lights

Scrolly Mirror

Antique vanity top that I used for a jewelry display