Jim came to Asheville for a week's vacation and well, I was pretty much on vacation too. :o) Unfortunately, the weather was not warm and sunny all of the days (he actually drove in AND out of Asheville in a nasty blizzard!), but we certainly made the best of it! We went on walking adventures down the snowy roads, saw lots of live music, caught the Found Footage Fest, fit in some of the classics (y'know...bowling, thrifting, karaokeing), shared many-a-laugh and ate (ohmygosh!) sooo much delicious local food.
You see this? Yeah, I'll say it. The BEST cheeseburger I have ever had AND the best sweet potato fries. Ever. And that other plate in the background: that there is the BEST quesadilla I have EVER had. Insert shout-out here: go to ROOTS CAFE in West Asheville. Maybe the best cooking I have ever had. Click here for their menu.: http://www.rootsfood.com/
We did have a couple of sunny days. On this particular one, there was a traveling puppet show...and a dude dressed as a can of raviolis? They were advertising for Asheville Vaudevale, and I'm *pretty* sure we had "tourist" stamped on our head, so they insisted on picture taking.

And for the record: the puppet did indeed ask me to lick it. I typically do not lick puppets.
Jim took pictures as I dragged him on fun and exciting adventures to places like the fabric store for just the right fabric for a curtain install I had coming up.
And then we just walked around and looked at stuff. This is certainly the place to do just that.
Oh, did I mention there was bowling? I think you should take note of my form here:

...Although Jim pretty much doubled my score. (Check out his shirt- a Goodwill Clearance Center score....more on that place later!)

And oh yes, we drank beer. Lots and lots of yummy, locally brewed, hoppy goodness.
Ahhhh. (This one is an Abbey Ale from the Wedge brewery here in West Asheville)