People ask me all of the time about Anam Cara in Asheville...a lil' shoppe that my biz partner Erinn and I have made out of an old bingo hall in West Asheville. She's the director of the Anam Cara Theatre. The shop is called The Anam Cara Collective (translation: "soul friend"), and it's a little combination of what she does and what I do (consignment artsy crafty stuff). Here's a lil' peek into the shoppe...

Repurposed ceiling fixtures and decorations. I don't think ANYTHING cost us more than $10.00 in the whole shop! Just a lot of imagination and a whole LOT of elbow grease to get the shop up and running!

Of course you can find my signature signs, hula hoops and cards in the shoppe. And a GREAT selection of vintage clothes!

Aaaaand: check out this awesome stage in the back of the shoppe! Perfect for parties, poetry readings, performances and more! :o)
Thinking of visiting? Shoppe is located at 203 Haywood Road, West Asheville 28806. Website coming soon!