"When I grow up," writes Ramona McNabb, "I want to be a river." In the coming year, that would be a worthy aspiration for you, Cancerian. You'd generate a flood of benefits, some unexpected, by cultivating your ability to be perfectly yourself as you flow ever onward in rhythm with the sky and the earth, unimpeded by the fluctuations of light and darkness, and in love with the ceaseless movement of your own strong currents.
Wow. I still don't fully believe in astrology, but that it just gorgeous.
In somewhat related news, I am designing a series of t-shirts, which will be for sale this summer. I have some funky yet simple color schemes picked out, and they are going to be printed on cotton t's, just in time for summer. I have a few fun sayings and is one that I was thinking of working with. There is also a funky owl design, and I'm working on a dancin' in the rain (my fave sayin') design...

Whattayathink? Please comment, or nod yay or nay. :o)
sounds very cool! i can't wait to see the Owl design!!!
I would love the dancing in the rain, and think it should come in kid sizes, too (or maybe splashin' in the puddles? haha). Cute ideas!
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