While my self-employed earnings have been not been*quite* as much as I would be making at my last cubicle day job, the completion of my 2009 taxes (yessssss!) have proven that I can in fact do this. 2010 is going to be a smarter year for me. I now know what I need to itemize, write-off, budget and pay annually. I feel this year I can make better choices. And while I do LOVE my van (Janis), she may need to get traded in for something smarter in the near future. I'm thinking something that gets good gas milage, has 4WD (oh how I have missed that...the luxury of being able to visit my friends up on the hill in the wintery weather!) and can of course fit all of my crap (I mean art) in it when I travel and go to art shows. I have always loved, loved, LOVED the Jeep Cherokee, and think back fondly on my time with Jeffery (my 1994 beauty) that I had a short relationship with. I loved that it was green and looked like a box on wheels. I liked that it only played tapes, had a stick on the floor and the windows whistled on the highway. But it may be time to even upgrade from that. I'm thinking Honda Element. Couldn't you just see me in this sweet lil' ride? Suggestions, recommendations and offers to sell me your vehicle are all welcome. :o)

1 comment:
Hondas are great cars - we love our Odyssey!
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