Saturday was a
great day that started off with one of those perfect mornings. I caught up on some sleep and didn’t roll out of bed until 10:00, feeling rested for a change. I made some chocolate cappuccino coffee. I put on my new favorite music mix, threw some homemade sweet potato fries in the oven (shoot me a line if you want the recipe!), and sat on my couch to enjoy my java as I watched the remaining orange leaves fall off the trees into the sun-glistened river. I got in some plant watering, threw in a load of laundry, and was feeling pretty accomplished; it had been a while since I had enjoyed a morning like this. And just when I thought that the day couldn’t get any better…
ding!….my sweet potato fries were ready and THIS emerged from the oven! I think the universe was telling me to have a nice day.

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