This was a custom piece I created for Betsy, who wanted to add a touch of color to one of her therapy rooms, by painting an inspirational verse she loved. As the deadline for this job was quickly approaching, I had the challenge of trying to find or build exactly the right canvas out of salvaged wood. I pieces smaller planks together on the floor in my studio with plans of gluing them together, but wasn’t happy with the composition. Then low and behold, one sunny Saturday morning in late August, I was yard saling around town, and saw this piece of wood leaning up against an old barn in Rumney. I slammed on the brakes and pulled into the driveway, only to discover that the old barn where my best friend once lived was being torn down. They were selling the old barn boards to furniture makers and antiquers alike, who were paying top dollar and loading it into their vehicles. But I just had my eye on this piece, which was at one time used as a built-in tabletop in the barn, aged nearly a hundred years. It was weathered and dirty, but with a good scrub and a sanding, a splash of color and Betsy’s words, it turned out to be quite charming.
My cat, Moe, who normally is quite the introvert, refused to move from this photo opp. I think she really liked the smell of the wood. But then again, just yesterday, I caught her licking a belt buckle on my bedroom floor. She’s a special kitty.
Oh, and upon returning (with my best friend) to the site of the barn, we happened upon these three lovely dresses in a free pile. Hey, any chance to have a photo shoot, really… 
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