My new favorite saying: " You will not cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."
Well, I lost sight of the shore. I'm rowing. I'm sailing. It's ON.
The past 12 months have been complete whirlwind. Every aspect of my life has been flipped upside down. I am a huge believer in putting what you want into the Universe, and I had been realizing the need for change for a while. Then one day I really put it out there and the Universe REALLY heard me. Here's a quick catch up:
I sold my house. It took 4 days of being on the market.
Then I bought this awesome yellow abode. And my amazing friends helped me move in a jiffy...with encouraging smiles on their faces. I heart them.
I got this orange chair at a thrift shop for $5. Actually, most of my home furnishings are new (to me)...out with the old and in with the new.
On August 22, I closed on both houses. I officially sold my little grey ranch I lived in for 13 years and signed the papers to my new yellow home. It was built in 1877 and is crooked and lovely. I am truly in love.
And then there is this boy. He has kept me busy and inspired and while transitioning with a toddler to a new home has it's challenges, he is now settled in well (especially because we live across the street from a park with giant slides.)

What else? I started grad school. Traveled to Canada for part of the summer for an amazing integrated arts class. Separated from my partner of over 5 years and we're finding our way through the world of parenting and making our way back to the great friendship we started from. I am finding
my way through the world as a mommy to this amazing kid. Have been learning patience by way of potty training. Have made a lot of new friends. Reconnected with old ones. Moved my business out of my Squam Lake location. Am renovating the attached barn on my new property to reopen my shop at the same place I live. (C'mon out to the
open house I'm having!) Have been painting as much as possible. Am hanging my 3rd art show of 2014 in 2 weeks. Got a new car (my old one fell apart.) But above all, despite the difficulties, I am trying to remain positive.
And now, 2 months after my move and as the dust settles from ALL of this, I am feeling like my old self again. But better. Different. It is ON. Look out, world. I've got so much to do!
(This is my new (to me) car, Grover.) :o)