I had the joy, or rather the honor of attending an amazing business seminar on Wednesday...one that has provided me with a lifetime of inspiration. Acorn Creative Inc. and Epiphanies Inc., two creative NH based companies headed this day of seminars, information, brilliant ideas, encouragement and gave me some fabulous tools to apply to my business plan. I felt like Gonzo in that ending scene from Muppets from Space (shameless Jim Henson plug-- make popcorn and watch that movie tonight!) where he meets a group of characters just like him after spending his entire life being classified as a 'Whatever.' So while I don't have an elongated purple nose (yet...you never know how I will switch up my look though), and that might just be an awkward analogy, I sat in that room of 60 or so people and felt united with fellow New Hampshireites, all wandering the north country with a brain ready to explode from ideas and continually streaming creativity. The key is how I am going to use this, and Wednesday I feel I was given some tools to organize these overwhelming ideas, and use them to be successful in business.
Anyways...ahem: www.veggieartgirl.com. Coming SOON to a computer near you.
1 comment:
And you know what yet another crazy small world coincidence is? The Set Designer (and perhaps lighting, too?) guy from the Muppets from Space movie is one of my oldest & dearest friends, Brian Sydney Bembridge (www.BrianSydneyBembridge.com), celebrated set 'n lighting designer doing supah-fine work in Chicago (and other big cities). Brian was my next door neighbor growing up. So the point is, I'm a big fan of Muppets from Space, too, I know the scene, and I know what you mean. I feel the same way.
Stacey, I think you're an incredible, inspired talent, and a light in this world. It's always a pleasure and privilege to be in your company, and it was great seeing you last night.
-Lani Voivod
co-owner & Content Lover of Epiphanies, Inc.
"A-Ha Yourself!"
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