Color, color, color. The drive down 175 from my house to the boutique is pure magic--a windy, colorful road of awesome.
1.5.) On Rte. 175, I get to drive by Owen's farm stand everyday (where I got the mum in the picture). The funny scarecrows, the abundance of pumpkins and freshly cut sunflowers can't help but make you smile on just a drive by.
2.) Halloween.
(Still trying to figure out what I am going to be, though)3.) It reminds me of my Noni. She (my grandmother) was a lover of life; she was a dancer and an artist with a passion for the small details in life. Her favorite time of year was fall (hey, she used to decorate her bathroom for the season!) and I miss her, but think of her fondly when the season rolls around. :o)
4.) Hot apple cider. Apple crisp. Caramel apples.
Anything apple, really.
5.) Pumpkin carving.
(This year I am going to do it up! Look out!)6.) Sweater weather. Nothing's better than a jeans and sweater day.
7.) Those last few yard sales. Crisp mornings, pumpkin spice coffee and vintage bargains.
Sweeeeet.8.) Gourds. They are just so interesting and strange.
9.) And of course, Thanksgiving is just around the corner...